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Did you know...
Your rewards are updated each month
All your rewards are in your account area and we send out new rewards every month. If you can’t see any new rewards, or your rewards don’t seem relevant yet, then please wait until next month. Also don't forget, your rewards are based on how much you shop with us. The more you shop, the more rewards you’ll see, and the more we can tailor them to the sort of items you like to buy.
How to use the rewards can be found on your rewards page
Go to ‘Rewards & treats’ in 'My Account' to see your latest rewards. All your rewards will appear here and are refreshed each month. To see how to redeem them, open the individual reward.
Your membership is all online - no need for a plastic card
We want to reduce the amount of plastic we produce each year, so we don’t send out physical membership cards any more. You can scan your card when in store straight from your phone on our website or app. You’ll find your digital card here. If you do need a plastic card, for example if you don’t have a smartphone to show your digital card in store, please do get in touch. Note it can take up to 5 weeks to receive your card.
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