Great gift ideas for teenagers

gift ideas for teenagers
Editorial Team

Buying gifts for teens needn’t be tricky, thanks to these top tips from people in the know

‘Although most older children and teens appreciate money as a gift, they still like to have something to open on either their birthday or on Christmas morning,’ says Susan Lewis, accountant and mum of two boys. ‘Bluetooth headphones go down well and they also like things for their room, such as Lava lamps. Clothes are trickier – they’re quite particular and it’s better to get them to choose. For Christmas stocking fillers, mine get lots of edible things, which vary according to their particular preferences.’ For extra help, we've got both teenage boy and teenage girl shopping pages.

An experience to remember

‘I would suggest the greatest gift you can give a teenager is an experience that happens IRL (as they say),’ says Tamsin Blanchard, editor of Hole & Corner magazine and mum of two children. ‘Teens are often lost in their phone, so I try something that allows for actual time you can spend together that doesn't involve staring at a screen. Tickets to see a show, a session or two to learn how to throw a pot, a sewing lesson, or a craft kit and some nice yarn by Wool And The Gang would be great.’

Amie Witton-Wallace, brand communications consultant and mum of three children agrees experiences are the way to go. ‘Teenagers naturally “tribe”. A huge part of their learning is to connect with the outside world away from their parents. While of course they do all like technology, an alternative option is to buy an experience they can do with their peers like a lesson in rock climbing, wild swimming or BMXing. It’s all about a life beyond the pixels, too.’ Check out John Lewis & Partners’ gift experiences.

Ask the expert… them

‘Buying presents for teens can be a minefield,’ says journalist Ceri Thomas, dad to one teenage daughter. ‘If possible get them to write you out a Christmas list of what they’d like. Then – after you’ve knocked off the dangerous, impractical and ruinously expensive items – at least you’ve got a good starting point. Specific clothing items from popular brands usually feature, as do gadgets like wireless headphones and smartwatches.’

Brands such as Ted Baker, Polo Ralph Lauren, Ugg and Urban Decay are all worth a look for any teen and let's not forget that a gaming experience is likely to come up trumps as a favourite gift. Whether they're new to the world of gaming or not, a new console, game or both will always put a smile on their face. 

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