What to buy when you’re weaning
It’s a minefield out there, but we’re here to help you negotiate purees, finger foods and fussy eaters
If your baby is around six months old and can sit up and support themselves, you’re ready to start weaning. You’ll probably notice that in the weeks leading up to starting on solids, your baby will suddenly have an added interest in what you eat and drink – this shows that they should be sufficiently co-ordinated to start weaning.
There’s a lot to consider when it comes to allergens as well as the right size and texture of the food for your baby, but as we’re not doctors, we’re not going to try to advise you on that. What we can help with, however, is the stuff that you need to buy to make weaning as enjoyable for you and your baby as possible.
First up is a high chair. Choose one that’s comfortable for your baby but also easy to clean. If you’re planning a lot of day trips out – or even a holiday – while weaning, it might be worth buying a travel high chair that’s easy to set up and that your baby is comfy in.
Next up? A good bib. If you’re worried about weaning during winter when you can’t just whip off their vest, try a long-sleeved bib. You’ll need a bowl, preferably a plastic or silicone one that won’t break when it inevitably gets knocked on the floor. You’ll also want soft, baby spoons that’ll be gentle on tiny mouths and sippy cups to get them used to water.
That just leaves storage pots for batch cooking, puree machines to make the job a bit easier and reusable pouches for snacks on the go. Bon appétit.