Discover the best cropped jeans for your style

How to wear cropped jeans AW19
Karen Dacre,-Fashion Editor of the Evening Standard

From 70s-style wide legs to suits-all straight cuts, here’s how to raise your denim game this season

A quick audit of the ever-perplexing world of jeans confirms that the ankle remains the place to be this autumn: cropped jeans are having a moment. But with the options seemingly limitless, how do you find the pair that’s pitched perfectly for you? From the styles to go for, to what to wear them with, here's our guide to this season’s best cropped denim.

Straight cropped jeans

If you’re a fan of a classic with staying power, the straight-cut crop may already be your friend. And certainly, you’ll know that the untold joy of this style is that they look good with pretty much anything. Not to be mistaken for its skinnier sister, this silhouette works best with a bit of slouch, and ankle-bone length is the sweet spot. Try them with heavy-duty hiking boots and thick socks or a jazzy sandal.

Skinny cropped jeans

Spray-on jeans may not be the ubiquitous item they once were, but they still have their place, especially in the context of cropped denim. For athleisure fans, a good pair of cropped skinny jeans is a sure-fire way to smarten up your act. The most flattering options come in dark and indigo washes. On the autumn/winter catwalk, the shape returned to form with a host of French labels relying on denim capri pants to inspire a left-bank Parisian look. To master this one at home, team with a herringbone blazer and a worn-in pair of loafers.

Turned-up jeans

For those in search of a head-turning look that appears effortless, jeans with turn-ups are never far from favour. No wonder: they suggest a laid-back attitude but have the seal of approval from the style brigade (see Instagram for confirmation). Keep it relaxed – an overthought turn-up (think starched-in folds) is not the aim here. It may also be wise to avoid anything that’s narrowly cut. These jeans work beautifully with sandals and get on swimmingly with high-tops.

Wide-leg cropped jeans

For anyone who likes their denim on the comfortable side, a billowing pair of cropped jeans is right up there. One part Jenny Cavilleri from cinematic classic Love Story, one part Italian catwalk show, this style has vintage appeal. The best on offer this season sit high on the waist and come in deep indigo – Toast and Kin are both masters of the shape. For high-impact, wear with angular court shoes or a statement sandal.

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