Home self-improvement: Why it’s time to treat spring cleaning as an act of self-care

Michelle Ogundehin
Michelle Ogundehin,-TV presenter and writer

Michelle Ogundehin, one of the judges on BBC1’s Interior Design Masters,  believes that house cleaning should also be soul cleansing

It's time for seasonal cleaning to welcome in the lighter days. Any tips to make it less arduous?

First things first, why does cleaning always carry with it connotations of drudgery, frequently perceived as a chore rather than a potentially enjoyable exercise. For sure, emptying the bins is at one end of the scale, but an annual clean can be a profoundly energising ritual that wholeheartedly commits us to the optimism of spring after the comfort of hunkering down and wintering.

One of the best ways to appreciate your home is to literally touch it. Through the gleam of polished wood to the sparkle of a clean window, you can begin the all-important journey of emotionally engaging with your home. Personally, I understand cleaning as an act of self-care through the medium of my possessions: when I put my house in order, I put myself in order.

Change is good

This moment is also a chance to re-evaluate where everything is positioned. Could a sofa now be turned to face a window? Is the dining table in the best spot as the days grow lighter? Don't just dust and return furniture to its original position – use this time as an opportunity to switch things around. Sometimes even the smallest of layout tweaks can make a huge difference to how a room feels.

One final caveat: your home is healthy only insofar as the indoor air quality is good, so watch which products you use to spritz and spruce. A study by the Clean Air Day campaign found that the average home is more polluted inside than a busy street corner outside due to the build-up of toxins, with a significant contaminating factor being common household cleaning products.

After all, do you heed the small print on the back of most bottles advising gloves and adequate ventilation? Do you check ingredients for allergens? My rule of thumb is simple: words you can’t spell, let alone pronounce, can’t be good. You are what you breathe. Keep it colourant- and artificial-fragrance­ free. I make my own all-purpose spray from one part white vinegar to nine parts water, with a dash of liquid soap and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Good for all surfaces, windows too.

Michelle is lead judge on the BBC1 series Interior Design Masters and the author of Happy Inside: How to Harness the Power of Home for Health and Happiness (Ebury). Find her on lnstagram @michelleogundehin and at michelleogundehin.com

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Photography: Ben Anders

Image: Ben Anders

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