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TomTom Multi-Sport Cardio Watch

TomTomMulti-Sport Cardio Watch

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Product description

Product code: 85925006

The newly-launched TomTom Multisport Cardio watch has a built-in Heart Rate Monitor delivering on-the-go stats during your running sessions.
The watch features 5 intensity zones to help you achieve your goals: Sprint: mostly used as part of interval training; Speed: high-tempo training to improve Speed and fitness; Endurance: moderate to high-tempo training to improve your lung and heart capacity; Fat Burn: moderate tempo training, ideal for aiding weight loss; Easy: low-tempo training, mostly used for warm-up and cool down.
The built-in Heart Rate Monitor accurately measures your heart rate through a sensor that monitors changes in the blood flow in your wrist. This is achieved by passing a harmless light through the skin and detecting the changing light reflections to read your heart rate.
Product specification
Battery life
Up to 8 hours (GPS Mode)
Watch Type